Growing up in Kansas (farm and garden land), I have a deep love for fresh fruits and veggies. One of my favorites is fresh corn on the cob. I get a little giddy feeling when we have fresh corn on the cob still in the husk because it is so simple to cook on the grill and undoubtedly the best corn ever!
What You'll Need
- Blaze Tower with Grill Kit
- Tongs to turn corn over
- Oven mitts
- Cast Iron Skillet - Optional but I'd highly suggest it!
- Charcoal
- 6-8 ears of corn on the cob in the husk
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter - Amount depends on how much corn you're cooking and how you like your corn. Increase amount as needed. You can use this butter later for steak or chicken so no worries about too much.
- 2 tablespoons dried basil
- 2 teaspoons garlic powder
- Salt to taste
How To Make It
- Get your coals started. I expect you'll be cooking other items with the corn so depending on what you're cooking I'd use 8lbs or half of a 16lb bag of charcoal.
- Once the coals are hot and there is no more fire (coals gray and tower medium high heat) lay the corn on the grill directly above the coals (direct heat). If you notice too much charring on the outside then I'd move the coals to the side and possibly finish with indirect heat. I've never had that issue though.
- Turn the corn every 5-7 minutes. Cook for a total of 15-20 minutes or until kernels are tender when pierced with a paring knife. Close the tower with lid and upper vents closed in between turning. The husk should be partially charred. The husk and silk inside will protect the corn.
- Serve with basil/garlic butter recipe below.
Basil/Garlic Butter
- While the corn is grilling at any point before the corn is done place butter, dried basil, garlic powder in cast iron skillet.
- Carefully place skillet in tower out of the way of the corn to melt.
When corn is fully cooked remove the husk and silk. I suggest using a mitt or paper towel while doing this because the corn inside will be hot. Then rub it with the melted butter mixture and top with some salt to taste.
The Results
I always get a lot of compliments when I make corn this way. I've read that many people remove the silk but I've always left it on and have never had issues removing any of it. I like to keep it as simple as possible. The taste is fantastic and even if you over cook it a bit it'll still taste just as good.
Word to the wise... Make more than you usually would because people will be coming back for more.
Feed Your Caveman